Thursday 22 April 2021

post-production techniques- D1

I have used a wide range of colours in order to create both of my products. The colours that I have used are colours that you would relate to football. Green for the grass, blue for the sky, white for the football and many other colours. Another reason that I chose these colours is because when I distribute my product it would be easy for the public to understand the whole theme around the culture campaign. I have used a range of different software to create my products. I created a poster and a leaflet and for them I used Photoshop and I also used InDesign. For the poster I used InDesign because I believed it is most suitable for it. It was best suitable because it allowed me to transfer different images onto the page and crop them down. It also allowed me to easily use a wide range of colours that I wanted to use and easily place them. For my leaflet I used Photoshop. I used this because I already have a good range of knowledge of the software. The double page spread is easy to create on Photoshop compared to InDesign where my knowledge of the software is limited. The whole layout of the leaflet was easy to design on Photoshop which is why I wanted to use it. The software allows me to crop images, use different fonts and a range of colours. When I came to create my poster I used a different colour scheme and this is because I didn't want the poster to look similar to the leaflet in terms of the colours used. the dark colours behind the bright bold colours work really well and it helps the product stand out for when I distribute my product. I have created a colour scheme for my poster. 

The text that I have used on my products meets the client brief. On these products I include the date of the event, the time of the event and the organizer name and number. This information is the main information on the page and so it stands out so it’s easy to see. This was the original brief that I had created that I was able to meet. The brief tells us what the target audience will be and so it helps us decide what colours I would use to appeal to them. In my products I have included the relevant text that the client brief tells us. The camera work for my products isn't in the brief but I have a production sheet that tells us the different camera shots I could use from a range of close up shots to long range shots. some images that are on my product are images that are on google and so there is not any camera shots for them. The client brief also tells us what content I need to include on the products. The content includes the colours that are used, the images that are used and the information that is required for the product.  

  In the client brief it also tells us the way that I have to promote and distribute the products. For my leaflet I have distributed it around the city by sticking it around everywhere. I have also created social media accounts on twitter and Instagram in order to promote the poster. I have also explained as to why I have chosen these two social media channels. For the leaflets I have posted them through doors like the brief told me to do. The editing software that I used was photoshop and InDesign. The brief doesn't specify what software I had to use but I used these two as I had good knowledge of them and I believed that they were best suitable for what I was creating. The reception theory links into this were the audience would decode media texts 3 different ways. Different audience members would decode the media in different ways and not the way the producer intends to. This links into my product because the audience may have a different view on the campaign and choose to use the campaign for different purposes such as prompting the city. 


The original briefs needs have been met and the updated brief includes the plans for how I would distribute the products and also what content I would include on my products. I believe that some strengths of the products is that I have followed the colour scheme created and have included the content that the brief tells us to include. The product is also very clear to understand what it is about and so people would be able to catch onto it quickly. A weakness for the product would be that the overall design might not be too appealing and it does not look good. 

For my products I used a wide range of filters to make them stand out. these filters can be found on the different software that I used such as photoshop and adobe indesign. 

leaflet- after


Monday 19 April 2021

Poster distribution through social media


I created a twitter and Instagram account to help spread the word about the awards evening that i am hosting. The awards evening is targeted at a younger target audience and that is why i believe these two social media platforms are best suited as they are the most popular among the younger generation. Facebook wouldn't be ideal for what i am doing because Facebook is aimed more at the older generation and so would not be suited for them. The poster will also be stuck everywhere around Liverpool to try and spread the message out more. 

Presentation of culture campaign