Wednesday 11 March 2020

magazine front cover



this is my front cover for my magazine that i created. i got the shapes from the tool shape on left in thew tools and i dragged the text over the shape and changed the size of the text so that it would fit. i changed the font on all my text so that it doesn't make the viewer bored of seeing the same text over and over again. i made the title big and bold so that it stood out and was easy for everyone to see. i got the picture myself.



  1. ZAk what program did you use to create your page? Was it InDesign? YOu have completed far better layouts than this! It looks like a last minute attempt and you have not shown off your photoshop or InDesign skills learnt at all. Please resubmit - using teh skills you have developed over the past two terms. Look back on your notes and all examples from our blog and practical sessions with Mr D and myself.

    Mrs McD-H

  2. ZAk what program did you use to create your page? Was it InDesign? YOu have completed far better layouts than this! It looks like a last minute attempt and you have not shown off your photoshop or InDesign skills learnt at all. Please resubmit - using teh skills you have developed over the past two terms. Look back on your notes and all examples from our blog and practical sessions with Mr D and myself.

    Mrs McD-H


Presentation of culture campaign