Monday 8 February 2021

The apprenticeship route

 Jonny cannot make up his mind whether to go to university or complete an apprenticeship with an employer. He is looking to eventually work in the digital/ media industry. Can you produce an outline report for Jonny detailing what he needs to do to follow the apprenticeship route?  

For Jonny to follow the apprenticeship route he must first decide what it is he actually wants to do. There are many different areas in the digital media industry that he might want to do and to find out what he wants he can use this website.

This website is very useful as it offers a wide range of apprenticeship routes that Jonny would be    Interested in in the media industry. This website allows you to look for apprenticeships within a certain amount of miles which would be beneficial for Jonny who wouldn’t have to travel for a while then. The website also allows Jonny to select the different types of apprenticeships. The different types include advanced, higher, degree or intermediate. This website offers a better understanding on what these types are. this website also tells you what choosing these routes get you and what levels they are available at.

Different apprenticeships have different skill requirements that Jonny would need to find out before he applies to them. Jonny has chosen to go down the route of digital media

If Jonny is still wanting more information about these apprenticeships then this website will tell him everything he needs to know. On here he can find things such as the different entry requirements. This website also tells you about the salary of the apprenticeships. It will also help him apply for apprenticeships by giving him different links that he can follow. It also provides him with a phone number that he can use to get into direct contact with the national apprenticeships help desk. This website also gives h8m a detailed understanding on what the different levels of apprenticeships are and what qualifications are needed for each level. Overall this website is probably the most beneficial for him as it offers a wide range of information and covers every asset needed for some one to apply for an apprenticeship.

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